Wednesday 13 May 2009

Little Bits and Pieces

I'm still working well on the Apres Surf Hoodie - I've nearly finished the sleeves and then there's 'just' the blocking and sewing up to do!

In the mean-time though, I've found a great excuse for some instant gratification. One of my closest friends has just had a baby and another is expecting in the very near future. Baby knitting is the best form of near-instant finishing...

There's been an 'On the sunny side' hat, knitted with Colinette Banyan on 5mm needles.

A pair of Saartje's booties in the same yarn, knitted on 3mm needles.

Two pairs of baby socks knitted in Regia Bamboo sock yarn on 2.5mm needles.

I'm not sure I've got the baby knitting out of my system yet so there may be more to follow!

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