Monday, 27 August 2007

What to do?

Big news in the Knitter's life at the moment... I heard just before I went on holiday that I've landed the research grant I applied for last November. Just in the nick of time really as I only had a contract until the end of this month. I now have another three years guaranteed in Glasgow which makes life simpler and more secure once more. On the back of this, the Resident Radiologist and I can now sell our house and buy a bigger one (more room for yarn -wheeee!). This means that in the short term, I'm going to be even more harassed than I was as we try to get the house in shape and get it sold, but in the longer term, there is going to be a pretty happy knitter!

In the midst of all this activity, I've once again found myself in a bit of a knitting interlude. I've finished the biggish projects I had underway and am currently just picking away at a couple of little things - socks for the Resident Radiologist and Wisp for my christmas knitting / gift stash.

This may not seem the best time for more projects what with the necessary packing away of my stash (sob) to make the house seem tidier, but I need something to keep me sane. Here are the options:

Monkey socks - for me
Jaywalker socks - for me
Christmas crochet scarf - for the resident radiologist (Rowanspun 4 ply)
Nantucket jacket (still on the list from last time, still no yarn for it)
Tank Top (still on list from last time, yarn - Freedom Spirit - still in stash)
Debbie Bliss A-line jacket- for me (DB Pure cotton - not sure I have enough though)

I really need to get these into some sort of order. Obviously there is a deadline on the scarf, but I can't bring myself to start it just yet. The time has probably passed for the DB cardigan as Glasgow has seen the last of the summer (such as it was) and feels distinctly autumnal again. This last point would make the tank top seem a better option and as the yarn has been in the stash for over 18 months, it's probably long overdue. The nantucket jacket would also fit the autumnal bill but as I don't have the yarn, then it should probably wait (though I absolutely love it!). Finally the socks are ones I've wanted to do for ages and I have some wonderful Koigu in my stash and some equally beautiful Lorna's Laces that I bought in Boston for them. I've never done anything beyond standard plain socks before and I feel the need to start branching out.

This mental splurge seems to have clarified matters and the tank top appears to have won, with the socks as sideline projects. Phew!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the thoughts on my row count problem. When I summon the energy I'll rip it back and have another go ! In the mesntime tho' maybe the odd new project ....

Congratulations on the grant :0)

Unknown said...

Tank top sounds lovely and always a really useful item. Your stash additions sound lovely. I have used Lornas Laces for a Clapotis but not for socks, socks would be lovely though, hmmmm might need to go shopping...

Jocerane said...

Congratulations for the next three years!
And take care : having a big room for yarn IS dangerous! the room becomes slowly but surely a small room, then a full room.......